Saturday, November 03, 2007, sleepy....but....

Yeah, it's late; but I did get some things accomplished....Patricia, Alex, and I did make it out to Unity's Fall Festival. It was GOOD because: we got to see a lot of our youth and talk with them. It was BAD because: I only sold 3 dollars worth of lollipops---in three hours.

I did get to finally watch the movie NEXT with Nic Cage and Jessica was pretty decent. I've had this movie for two weeks--I guess I better send it back to Blockbuster tomorrow....yikes.

The movie made some connections for me: It is based on the short story The Golden Man by Philip K. Dick--a sci-fi writer from the '60s and '70s. Well, I looked him up on Amazon---a TON of film adaptations from his stories: Blade Runner; Total Recall; Minority Report; A Scanner Darkly; and several more. So now, I'm going to buy some of his writing collections and read his work--that is, when I find the time. I'm back-logged on my reading schedule as is.

Well, time to update the podcasts and hit the sack...

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