Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Cold and Hungry

Hungry--because it's almost lunch time. Cold--because it's only in the 40s. Brrrrr---forgot how cold it gets; but it does make you feel alive. I don't miss living in a hot, steamy environment such as Suriname or Dallas--although there are things that I miss from both those places.

I had to pull out the humidifier yesterday because it's so dry in our house (33% humidity)--I mean, that's not as dry as the desert--but it's dry enough to make your skin itch.

This has been a busy week and will only get busier by this weekend. I will have lunch (yum) with the high school peeps on Friday and then Friday evening will be both middle and high schoolers coming to the church for pizza and then heading out to hit the ice for some broomball action.

Saturday, we have a middle school tractor ride and bon fire--w00t.

And then the BIG event---the high school retreat next weekend! Really looking forward to it. Can't wait to see Danny and Jessica and Jackson. It's gonna be some good times.

Outlook: Positive

Saturday, November 03, 2007, sleepy....but....

Yeah, it's late; but I did get some things accomplished....Patricia, Alex, and I did make it out to Unity's Fall Festival. It was GOOD because: we got to see a lot of our youth and talk with them. It was BAD because: I only sold 3 dollars worth of lollipops---in three hours.

I did get to finally watch the movie NEXT with Nic Cage and Jessica was pretty decent. I've had this movie for two weeks--I guess I better send it back to Blockbuster tomorrow....yikes.

The movie made some connections for me: It is based on the short story The Golden Man by Philip K. Dick--a sci-fi writer from the '60s and '70s. Well, I looked him up on Amazon---a TON of film adaptations from his stories: Blade Runner; Total Recall; Minority Report; A Scanner Darkly; and several more. So now, I'm going to buy some of his writing collections and read his work--that is, when I find the time. I'm back-logged on my reading schedule as is.

Well, time to update the podcasts and hit the sack...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Wow, I sure did miss having 4 seasons--but I forget how cold it gets. It's 56 today and I had to throw on an extra layer after my lunch. Yum--grilled cheese and tomato soup---great comfort food.

It is truly wonderful to see all the leaves change and fall. It was fun to carve Alex's first pumpkin. It occurred to me as I was carving it that I haven't made a jack-o-lantern since October '93. wow.

I had some rambling thoughts on the drive back to the office, but seem to have lost them all now. I'm a bit overwhelmed--being it is Friday and I still have a lot to do.... a weekly meeting to attend in 5 mins; must leave work early today to set up the lollipops to sell at the school Fall Festival; a lot of stuff to read; a lot of stuff watch; and a lot still to do.

Here is the verse of the week: 2 Timothy 2:23 But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing they produce quarrels. (for all my atheist friends out there who swallow up Dawkins).