Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Blog...

Okay--so I never blog that much about myself or my life (I'm boring) but I have started a new blog page for our Student Ministries.


Check it out since I seem to be updating it daily...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Prayer Testimony

So here is the first video that I produced for our church...I produce the weekly sermon podcasts and now I produce any videos used during Sunday worship.

Balloon Mess w/ 628 Middle Schoolers

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: Where have you gone?

Hard to believe that another new year is upon us. It seems like it just turned 2008 a few months ago. I suppose a lot has happened to us personally during this year--we just enjoyed a family cruise, so that sticks out clearly for a good memory of 2008. I hope 2009 will be better for everyone than the last quarter of the economy--and with this new president that was elected--I'll be praying for his success. Since I don't blog often (I forget that I have one), I will write again in 2009 when something of significance happens. Goodbye 2008, too bad you can't stay longer.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Snowing today!

I can not believe that it has been snowing here today; considering that it is only November 7th!

The best news of the day is that when I weighed myself this morning--I can actually see progress from this diet. I'm down to 219 (from 235+). My goal is to be in the 190 range.

Well, I'm off to the YWCA to hit the gym with 2 of my students.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Trouble in Paradise

American Embassy


Consular Section

Warden Message


October 10, 2008

All U.S. citizens in Suriname should be advised that the protests which took place near Moengo on October 9, 2008, could continue in the near future. The October 9 protests ended with the use of tear gas to clear a barricade blocking the East Road leading from Moengo to Albina. Those responsible for these protest actions have threatened to block the Moengo road and other roads in and around Paramaribo again on October 10, as well as the Wijdensbosch Bridge. The unpredictability of the recent actions suggests that the possibility of violence exists.

U.S. citizens should avoid large crowds and be aware that demonstrations can take place at any time and at various locations throughout the city. The Embassy recommends that U.S. citizens monitor radio and other media to obtain information on the evolving situation.